Defeat MSA Alliance Presenter Agreement

Speaker Name(Required)
Presentation Topic Area (if you presented previously, please choose another area unless you are planning an update)
Postal Address (Professional Institution Address)(Required)
Max. file size: 640 MB.
A profile or biography for the conference booklet or press release is recommended. All file formats are permitted.
Max. file size: 6 GB.
A photo for press release and conference booklet is recommended. All file formats are permitted.
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, ppt, Max. file size: 1 GB, Max. files: 10.
    Please upload any exhibits, slides or PowerPoint you will use in your presentation.
    What is the title of your primary presentation?
    In what language will you be presenting?
    What is the title of your second presentation? (If you have two presentations)
    In what language will you be presenting?