“On the Importance of showing up & trying” – By Kimberly Bohannon

Kimberly S. Bohannon was a caregiver to her husband Steve, who passed from MSA at the age of 49. She regularly writes about her experiences in a blog on Medium. Today, for the first time, we share an excerpt from Kimberly’s blog about caring for her husband. Are you uncomfortable being around terminally ill family […]

“Are we there yet?..No”- Anne Kastelic (Caregiver, Ohio)

Joe and Anne

Caregiver Blog Post #2 The road to diagnosis… Are we there yet?…No Now?…No When are we going to get there? Said anyone who has taken a road trip.  Our trip took 3 1/2 years to get a doctor to agree to a diagnosis of “possible/probable MSA” and we were seeing neurologists at the “World-Renowned Cleveland […]

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